Mahakumbh Mela recently gained attention for an unexpected reason. A young garland seller named Moni Bhosle has gone viral on social media. Her beauty and charm won millions of hearts.
Moni, a 16-year-old from Indore, became an internet sensation after videos of her selling Rudraksh males at the Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj went viral. Her striking amber eyes, sharp nose and dusky complexion have drawn widespread admiration.
Social media users have nicknamed her ‘brown beauty’. Many have compared her looks to timeless icons, including the Mona Lisa.
On January 21, Moni shared a video on her Instagram profile. In the video, she is seen cutting a birthday cake while people around her sing “Happy Birthday”.
“Thank you so much for all your love for me,” she wrote while sharing the video. Her Instagram profile has nearly 2 lakh followers.
Three birthday videos have been shared from the social media channel. The Instagram Reels have gained half a million views altogether.
LiveMint could not originally verify if it really is Moni Bhosle’s official Instagram profile. Many social media users have expressed concerns about recognising the official Instagram account.
“I don’t understand which ID is correct and which is fake, whom should I follow?” wrote one user.
In one of her Instagram Reels, Moni is seen selling garlands at Mahakumbh Mela. The viral video has gained 6.5 million views so far. Another identical video has separately gained 2.5 million views.
Moni Bhosle’s fame has extended beyond the Mahakumbh Mela, with social media platforms such as Instagram and X flooded with content featuring her. Content creators and vloggers have joined the trend.
The search for “Mahakumbh Mela” was high on Google India on January 20-21:
Moni sent home from Mahakumbh Mela
Despite the newfound fame, Moni’s journey at the Mahakumbh Mela was cut short. Her father reportedly decided to send her back to Indore due to declining sales and the overwhelming attention from the public.
Reports suggest that people were more interested in taking photos and videos with her rather than purchasing the garlands she was selling.